Not all families will have identical safety plans. While the internet is a great source of tips and sample plans, you will probably need to tweak them to fit your family’s needs. Keep in mind that it may be necessary to change your plan if you move or your family grows.

  • Be sure everyone in your household knows what exits are available, including windows.
  • If possible, discuss two possible exits from each room in the home.
  • Hold a practice fire drill and make sure that the entire family can safely evacuate in less than two minutes.
  • If any family members have mobility issues, another family member should be assigned to help get that individual out of the house safely.
  • Agree on one meeting place outside the home. It should be a safe distance from the house.
  • Regularly check to make sure that any possible exits are not blocked by furniture or clutter.

Here are some additional resources on fire safety plans: